We are an organization of IBCLC's and other individuals who work to protect, support and promote breastfeeding in British Columbia. 

If you aren't an IBCLC, but are interested in the aims of our organization, we invite you to also join the BCLCA. We welcome maternity or public health nurses, physicians, midwives, doulas, breastfeeding counsellors, wellness counsellors, dietitians,  childbirth educators, La Leche League leaders and other peer supporters, policy makers, or anyone else with an interest in breastfeeding. 

 If you desire membership in a group of like-minded and committed people, then a membership to BCLCA is right for you!

Note - Annual membership runs from January to January!


  • Complete the electronic membership application below.
  • You will be prompted to either pay online (preferred) or you may mail a cheque to: 

BCLCA Treasurer

2561 Kitchener

Vancouver, BC

V5K 3C7          

If you have any questions about membership, please email Sonia Bonato at fambonato@telus.net 

BCLCA Annual Membership - $25.00 (CAD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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