About Us
We are an organization of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) and other individuals who wish to protect, support, and promote breastfeeding. We are working to make breastfeeding the norm in British Columbia.
We support the WHO Baby Friendly Initiative and the World Health Organization International Code of Breast-milk Substitutes, also known as the WHO Code.
General inquiries: Board Members: Co-Presidents Katherine Bartell katherinebartel@gmail.com Jeanne Hagreen jhagreen@netbistro.com Treasurer Sonia Bonato s.bonato03@gmail.com Communications Aiden Farrow aidenfarrow@aidenfarrowibclc.com Alyssa Barrie alyssa@anurturedstart.ca Secretary - Swati Scott Swati.Scott@shaw.ca Directors at Large Suzanne Campbell Suzanne.Campbell@nursing.ubc.ca Catherine Chow chow_cat25@hotmail.com Lucy Dominak lucymd21@gmail.com Sarah Grey equuleus2002@hotmail.com Marilyn Hogan mhogan1954@yahoo.ca Tiffany Holdsworth-Taylor tholdsworthtaylor@gmail.com Karen Irvine klirv@hotmail.com Meggie Ross meggieross2@gmail.com Tina Revai tina_west@hotmail.com | Mailing Address:BC Lactation Consultants Association 23700 Hart Highway Prince George, BC V2K 5X2 |
For website related feedback contact: Meggie Ross meggieross2@gmail.com